Price unit: 0,00 €

Natural Stone

Our Natural Stone painting is a pearl tone, a natural white like that of our limestone. Extra-matt finish.

High coverage on light and medium colors.

Water-based paint, washable, multi-adherent to any surface, wood, metal, glass, ceramics, fabrics, wall, wall ... It does not need priming, nor sanding prior to painting.

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Price unit: 0,00 €

Cera de Ebanistería Incolora

Modo de empleo: Una vez limpia la superficie que desee abrillantar, extienda una pequeña cantidad de cera Mary Paint, déjese secar, pásese a continuación una balleta suave y obtendrá un super-brillo y un agradable aroma en sus muebles. Limpieza de útiles:

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Price unit: 7,09 €

Brocha de Encerar 9

Diámetro 9 . Acabado profesional.

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Price unit: 1,47 €

Esponja de Lija grano medio

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Price unit: 14,00 €

Price unit: 4,01 €